최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Сэтгэлийн тухай үг хэллэгийг танихуйн зүйрлэлийн үүднээс шинжлэх нь

Cognitive metaphorical analysis of phrases containing the word “Сэтгэл”

In this paper author explained semantic features, positive and negative approach to the word ‘’Mind’’ by linguistic facts, especially, many types of unstabilities of the mind are how expressed as comparing with essence of real world phenomena, also author gave examples of the concept ‘Mind’’ that how Mongolians realize ‘’Mind world’’ and ‘’Mind colors’’, furthermore, illustrated main cognitive metaphorical models of this concept.

1.Сэтгэл ба хүн

2. Танихуйн зүйрлэл сэтгэл

3.”Сэтгэл” хэмээх үгийн үнэлэмж

4. Зүйрлэл ба сэтгэл хэмээх үгээр илрэх хэлний баримт

Ашигласан ном зүй
