This study examined the nature and characteristics of Mongolian unit words by summarizing/analyzing the morph, system, meaning, function, and usage of Mongolian ‘unit words’. Especially, focusing on the length unit words out of many unit words, the basic data to help the correct understanding of unit words essentially shown in all sorts of situations like discourse and context was presented to Mongolian majors and other researchers of Mongolian studies. Through the research on Mongolian unit words, some conclusions were obtained like below. ◾Mongolian unit words are closely related to the traditional life of Mongolians. ◾Mongolian unit words could directly specify body organs(foot, arm, hand, and etc) of human or animal and tools of home/nomadic life. In accordance with diverse situations, they could even express the approximate figure of length. ◾In case when measuring the length of small things, mostly, body parts like arm, hand, and finger are used. When measuring something relatively far or long, unit words using diverse tools related to Mongolian nomads’ traditional nomadic life/custom are used.
1. 서론
2. 몽골어 단위(단위어) 체계 및 표현
3. 몽골어 고유 ‘길이’ 단위어
4. 결론