최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 공공임대주택의 제도적 특성과 발전 방안

A Study on the Institutional Characteristics and Development Measures of Public Rental Houses in Mongolia: Focusing on Ulaanbaatar City

  • 13

This study attempts to analyze the Mongolian public rental housing policy, which is a new direction of housing policy that reflects the housing welfare aspects. Through the policy analysis this study proposes the development plan of Mongolian public rental housing policy. The public rental housing system is divided into four categories: beneficiary group, housing welfare benefits, financial resources, and delivery system. First, public rental housing is provided to 8 types of households based on income ranking. Second, residents can reside by paying a lower rent than the market rent. However, when the rent term of five years is over, the residents must move out and there is no system for subleasing. Third, financial resources for the public rental housing program should be composed of the public and private sector. Currently, the program is being implemented by using public finances and the financial resources are insufficient. Finally, the government plays a leading role in the provision of public rental housing. The private construction companies are passive about the program, and the construction, supply and management of rental housing is carried out by the Housing Corporation in the case of Ulaanbaatar. The results of the analysis show that the characteristics of the public rental housing system are weak in terms of housing welfare. Therefore, in this paper development plans were suggested as follows. First, various types of rental housing should be provided according to the needs of the tenants. Second, it is necessary to provide financial support system along with housing support. Third, the private sector’s participation and finance should be increased. Fourth, it is necessary to establish a system to convert ownership of housing after rent.

1. 서론

2. 주거복지와 공공임대주택에 관한 분석틀

3. 체제전환 이후 몽골의 주거문제와 주택정책의 발전

4. 공공임대주택의 제도적 특성 분석

5. 결론: 공공임대주택제도의 발전 방안

