In this paper, going over looking at the process of rapid change in the investment environment and business’in Mongolia. Analyzing internal and external factors that influenced such change. Also, the current situation and conditions of renewable energy in the Mongolia. And go over cooperative issues between Korea and Mongolia related sector. In recent years the Mongolian economy has grown. However, after change of the Mongolian government in 2012 general election, the policies of the Mining and Energy sector and laws and institutions are changed. It influenced on foreign direct investment, It might course depression in Mongolia. Because the economy of Mongolia which heavily depended on foreign investment in the mining sector, but such a sudden changes of government policies and laws were not convinced foreign investors. In the general election in June 2016, Mongolian overwhelming supported MPP(Mongolian People’s Party). By this, Mongolian citizens demanded responsibility for the failure of economic policy of the previous government from MDP(Mongolian Democratic Party). However, Mongolian citizens elected the president of MDP in the presidential election in July 2017. To attract investment of foreign investors, including the energy sector, sustainable and consistent policies and related laws, institutions are needed. for this, political stability in Mongolia must precede.
1. 들어가며
2. 몽골 투자환경
3. 몽골 에너지정책 현황
4. 한국과 몽골의 에너지 분야 협력방안
5. 나오며