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KCI등재 학술저널

신화 공동체의 기억서사와 부랴트 몽골의 <게세르> 연구

A Study on memorial narrative of mythology community and <Geser> of Buryat mongolia

  • 23

“Geser” is an Central Asian heroic myth and epic poem that narrates the life of Geser, who is a battlefield hero and a heroic conqueror. The early research on this myth focused on the origin and spreading route. Although several historical identities were cited as the origin of Geser, Chingiz Khan routed interest to the political area. This issue was propagated politically in the process of preparing for the Buryat Mongolian art ten-day event. Pope, a Russian scholar specialized in Mongolian studies, proposed the 600th Anniversary of “Geser” and publish this myth in conjunction with the Buryat Mongolian art ten-day event. Numerous memorandum and related correspondences does not only associate Chingiz Khan to Buryat Mongol and the neighboring minorities people, but also demonstrates that this was a “memorial narrative” to inspire national spirit. What would be the role of “Geser” as “memoral narrative” to Buryat Mongol? The protagonist Geser maintains the stability of communal unity by forgiving the enemy and establishes his status through self-sacrifice. The fact that this myth can be inferred as a narrative embedded in the Central Asia as background gives importance to communal unity in “Geser”. Because of the external threats of enemies, the inner community had to erase the seed of dispute and creative a united atmosphere. On the one hand, it is interesting to see that the matter “memory” is significant in relation to the establishment of the community in this literature. The narrative portrays and warns of the heavy cost for neglecting the sense of community. Perhaps Buryat Mongolians wished to remind of the community through the publication and the 600th Anniversary of “Geser”. Buryat Mongolians in the early 20th century intended to “remember” their fate in front of the enemy, The Soviet Union, that menaces the establishment of the community through “Geser.”

1. <게세르> 초기 연구사의 쟁점

2. 부랴트 몽골의 <게세르>와 칭기즈 칸에 대한 ‘기억’

3. <게세르>에 나타난 영웅 형상과 서사적 지향점

4. ‘기억의 터’로 세워진 부랴트 몽골의 <게세르>와 남은 과제

