The beginning of the internal affair that led to the fall of the Yuan empire was the impeachment of Čosgam and Lodisha who exercised excessive power leaning on the authority of the Empress Ki and Crown Prince Ayushiridara. The problem was that Lodisha flew to the camp of the warlord Bolod-Temür, and Huizong secretly demanded the protection of Lodisha. Ayushiridara then overturned Lodisha and Bolod-Temür on charges of plotting, Bolod-Temür carried out direct military action toward the Khan-Baliq. Ayushiridara unexpectedly fought back, escaped to the camp of Köke-Temür. Ayushiridara prepared to counter-attack with Köke-Temür, Bolod-Temür was assassinated by Huizong s subject and Ayushiridara took power again. He further tried to make Huizong an abdicated emperor and to make himself an emperor. However, Köke-Temür disagreed with this plan, and the Crown Prince did not make a point, resulting in hatred of Köke-Temür. Ayushiridara then set up a new organization called Supreme Military Bureau(大撫軍院) to take control of the whole state of the nation and to engage in subjugation of Köke-Temür. However, the army was defeated by Köke-Temür, and Huizong abolished Supreme Military Bureau. Supreme Military Bureau, which had only been around for about a year, was an apparatus that had not been noticed at all. However, the political division caused by the establishment and abolition of the Supreme Military Bureau was a good example of the politics of the end of the Yuan empire.
1. 머리말
2. 군벌 볼로드테무르의 궁정 정치 개입
3. 볼로드테무르 암살과 ‘3차’ 내선 시도의 실패
4. 大撫軍院의 置廢와 정국의 혼란
5. 맺음말