최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

『금사(金史)』에 기록된 몽골인명(人名)을 통해 본 몽골·금(金) 관계 연구

A Study on a Relationship between Mongol Empire and the Jin Dynasty Seen Through the Mongolisti Names of Having been Recorded in History of Jin

  • 16

This study carried out a historical research on what the Mongolisti original names(蒙古人原名) are in mongolian people of having been recorded with Chinese characters in History of Jin(金史), and tried to inquire into the political-military relations between Mongol Empire and the Jin Dynasty through this, and into all sides of Mongolian figures related to this. As everyone knows, History of Jin is one of the three history books that Mongolian people in Yeke Yuan(大元) Ulus compiled along with History of Liao(遼史) and History of Song(宋史). History of Jin was described directly by Mongolians and is simultaneously containing a considerable number of the legitimacy in establishing Yeke Mongol Ulus and Yeke Yuan Ulus. This study extracted Mongolian people s names that are recorded in History of Jin, which has the political ideology and the descriptive characteristic in Yeke Yuan Ulus as the historical documents(官撰史料), and then strived to restore Mongolian people s Chinese-character names into the correct Mongolian-language personal names through a comparative research between The Secret History of the Mongols(蒙古秘史), which recorded the contemporary situations in Mongolian language, and Jāmi‘ at-tawārīkh(集史), which recorded those situations in Persian language. This study became the significant research work available for just slightly complementing the blank and the lack in a historical-evidence relationship between Mongolia and the Jin Dynasty of being recorded in the historical materials in Chinese character, in Mongolian language and in Persian, while passing through the process of reconstitution in “Chinese-character (Mongolian) names → Mongolian-language personal names → Chinese-character (Mongolisti) names out of other Chinese -character historial data” on the Mongolian-side figures that are recorded in History of Jin. The Mongolisti Names in History of Jin, which can be definitely confirmed by a comparative analysis with The Secret History of the Mongols, Jāmi‘ at-tawārīkh and History of Yuan(元史), include “Mongol Buqa(萌古不花 = 蒙古蒲花), Muqali(木華里 = 木華黎國), Sūbetāī (速不䚟 = 碎不䚟), Ajul(阿术魯), Toγachar(塔察, [元史]塔察兒), Anchar or Alchar (按察兒), and Temüder(忒木䚟).” These are the figures who played an important role in the war against the Jin Dynasty while being in the high position even in Mongolian troops. Those figures who are shown their names only in History of Jin or who are equivocal to be restructured as Mongolisti Names include “*Sergi or *Seligi buqa(斜里吉不花), (Mongol) Toqu(塔忽 or 蒙古塔忽), and *Tardai or *Daltai(達兒䚟).”

1. 서론

2. 『金史』 편찬과 그 의의

3. 몽골고원 통일 전의 몽골부와 금나라 관계

4. 『金史』속 몽골인명을 통해 본 대몽골국과 금나라와의 관계

5. 결론

