최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

20세기 초기 몽골 역사가들의 민족사서술과 통사체계의 확립

The Early-Twentieth Century National History Narrative of Mongolian Historians and the Establishment of General History System

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This research analyzes the national history narrative of early twentieth century Mongolian historians, and examines the establishment process of Mongolia’s general history system based on it. The national history narrative of Mongolians started with The Secret History of Mongolia since the early-thirteenth century. There was a gap in writing history due to political turmoils, but the tradition of history narrative has resumed since the seventeenth century. Until the late-nineteenth century, the publishing of so-called Mongolian Chronicle flourished. Well-known chronicles, such as Altan tobči and Erdeni-yin tobči were published during this period as well. While these chronicles inherit the traditional history narrative, they also show varying differences in terms of contents and form depending on the publication date. For example, whereas The Secret History of Mongolia can be seen as a broad collection of tales consisting of oral tradition, chronicles published after the seventeenth century are heavily influenced by Tibetan Buddhism and literature. The latter, specifically, connects the genealogy of the Khan of Mongolia with the Royal line of Buddhism, a marked difference from the former. However, this traditional history narrative undergoes radical changes in the twentieth century. Such a change is inevitably related to the current of the times, but the twentieth century political situation of Mongolia also played a significant role to bring about the change. As known, in 1911, Mongolians declared independence from the Manchu Dynasty after more than 200 years of subjection. A decade later, in 1921, the second revolution of Mongolia took place. 11 years later, in 1932, the New turn policy was installed to appease Mongolian’s reaction against radical socialist policy. The article examines the ways in which national history research and narrative were conducted during an age of fluctuation in which independence from a foreign power, revolution, radical social reform, and installation of appeasement policy unfolded respectively, and how the national general history has been established amidst it. The article analyzes the national history narrative trend after three major events as such: the independence of 1911, second chapter; the revolution of 1921 onward, third chapter; the installation of the New Turn Policy, fourth chapter. The general history representing each decade from the 1910s to the 1930s is the major topic of the analysis. The examination confirms that the country-led general history initiated with the Zarligaar togtooson Mongol ulsyn shastir in the 1910s was systemized through a series of history in the 1920s, and was finally established in the early 1930s as the Short history of Mongolia written by A. Amar exemplifies. This system of general history resulted in the 2003 edition of the History of Mongolia (5 Vols.).

1. 서론

2. 1911년 독립과 민족사서술

3. 1921년 혁명과 민족사서술

4. 1932년 신전환정책과 민족사 서술

5. 결론

