최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

돌궐비문에 등장하는 Toquz Tatar(九姓達靼)의 實體에 관한 一考察

A Study of Substance of Toquz Tatar appeared on the Old Turkic Inscriptions

Origin of Mongolians having substantial name as Mongol is regarded as Meng-wu-shi-wei (蒙兀室韋) in the era of Tang Dynasty. Based on the records, most scholars set an established theory: Shiwei tribes, living on the area from Silkha River through Daxinganling Mountains and Nun River (嫩江), slowly moved to the west from 8th-9th century and became main ethnic group on Mongolian Plat in 11th-12th century. Toquz Tatar is suggested as one evidence of the migration. Toquz Tatar means ‘Tatar with nine family names’ (九姓達靼), and the word is inscribed on Kül-Tegin Epitaph established in 731 as well as on Bilgä Qaγan Epitaph in 734 in the era of Second Türk Empire. This article tries to examine debates on the truth about Shiwei’s migration to northern Monglian Plat: the examination on whether Toquz Tatar shows historical fact of ethnic changes in eastern area of Lake Baikal in 8th century.

1. 머리말

2. 토쿠즈 타타르에 대한 비문기록

3. 北魏·隋·唐代의 室韋부족의 분포

4. 토쿠즈 타타르에 대한 기록검토

5. 몽골씨족과의 대비

6. 맺는 말

