최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

탈경계 시대, 몽골에서의 한류드라마 수용 양상 연구

A study on the acceptance of Korean Wave drama in Mongolia in the beyond border era

  • 73

The Korean Wave drama in Mongolia has begun in 1998 <More sigye>, and has occupied Mongolia s home even in the intense workshops of friendly and anti-Korean Wave for 20 years. South Korea s TV series(soap operas) are being broadcast on prime time of each broadcasting program in Mongolia from 9 am, the day when Mongolian daily life begins, to 12 pm, when the day ends. It is not an exaggeration to say that the popularity of Korean Wave drama is global phenomenon even if it is this way. The Korean Wave is not only confined to specific young people but also extends to Mongolian housewives, teenagers and children who have been in the blind spot of popular culture. The genre category has also been diversified. Considering the openness of Mongolian nomadic culture to other cultures traditionally held, acceptance of Korean culture that transcends nationality may be a natural phenomenon. This is an example of the network system of the nomadic empire, and the Mongolian nomads who have embraced the world in the 13th century have become active in the cultural exchanges of the modern Nomad based on the 21st century online networking system. In this paper, I examined the aspects and meanings of popular culture in the beyond border era centered on the reception patterns of Korean drama that has become a routine of Mongolia.

1. 들어가며

2. 몽골에서의 한류드라마 열풍

3. 방송 채널의 범람: 노마드 매체의 개방성

4. 노마드적 열망, 타협된 쾌락

5. 나오며: 탈경계 시대의 한류드라마

