최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

중국 예수셴(葉舒憲)의 ‘조형예술을 통한 신화학 연구’에 대한 비판적 검토

A Critical Review on Ye Shuxian’s Method of ‘Using Figurative Art for Studying Mythology’

This paper aims to provide a critical review on Chinese mythologist Ye Shuxian’s method of ‘using figurative art for studying mythology.’ This method was introduced in Ye’s research project titled ‘Exploration of the Mythology of Chinese Ancestors,’ that was launched in an attempt to historicize Chinese myths. Ye Shuxian selected the so-called ‘quadruple-evidence(四重證據)’ method to carry out the historicization process of Chinese myths. To be more specific, this method considers ‘iconographic material’ as one of the evidences of history, along with three other existing ones such as historical records, written materials, and archaeological remains. In this sense, this paper will carefully study the concept of ‘quadruple-evidence,’ background of the concept’s emergence, examples of research, and its limitations. Afterwards, the paper will also discuss whether figurative art can be considered as an alternative material applicable for studying history. Finally, this paper will also discuss the possibility of using prehistoric and ancient figurative art as an alternative material for understanding the evolution of civilization and the history of Korea’s prehistoric and ancient ages when writing system did not exist.

1. 머리말

2. 중국 역사학계의 ‘사중증거(四重證據)’ 성립 배경과 신화 도상 연구의 현 주소

3. 조형예술은 대체 문헌이 될 수 있는가?

4. 맺음말

5. 참고문헌
