최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Sine-usu碑文과 P.1283文書에서 본 바이칼 주변 및 동몽골의 민족분포

A Study on the Distribution of Peoples in the Area around Lake Baikal and Eastern Mongolia appeared in Sine-usu Inscription and P.1283 Document: Focusing on Čik, Jubu(鞠部), Mug-lig(貊族), Baishi(白霫)

This article examines records on Čik, Jubu(鞠部), Mug-lig(貊族), Baishi(白霫) written in Sine-usu Inscription, P.1283 Document, and Xian luji(陷虜記). Through the examination, it is shed new light on the truth about peoples who lived around Lake Baikal and Eastern Mongolia and their residence. As the result of comparative examination, Čik and Jubu is turned out as each individual people, Turk and Tungus. Along with it, their residence is appeared as only partially overlapped in Erkuu gol(Irkut river) and Eastern Sayan Mountains. In case of Mug-lig(貊族), it is reviewed all inner records and external situations through P.1283(Pelliot tibétain 1283) Documents and Xian luji, which written by Hu Jiao(胡嶠) in A.D.953 is treatise in the history of the Kitan and Northern Country. Baishi(白霫) is ascertained as the tribe who has the same origin as Shi(霫) in Shilin gol, and their final southward residence was the area around Beijing nowadays.

1. 머리말

2. Čik와 鞠部

3. P.1283문서와 『陷虜記』의 부족분포 분석

4. Mug-lig와 白霫

5. 맺는 말

