Utrār Incident is an international event that shocked all the world in the period of the Mongol Empire. To deal with the attitude of Khwārazm’s Sultān Muhammad to Genghis Khan’s merchants which has become a controversial issue in the historical field because of different historical materials’ records. On the basis of fully absorbing the previous research results, the paper discriminates the different historical materials’ records and tries to make a further study of the problems about from beginning to end on the Utrār Incident.
1. 序言
2. 前人研究成果概況
3. 訛答剌事件發生前蒙古帝國和花剌子模之間的關係
4. 訛答剌事件發生時摩訶末所持的態度研究
5. 結語
6. 參考文獻