최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

1686년 쿠룬·벨치르 회맹을 통해 본 17세기 내륙아시아의 會盟禮

The Assembly of Kürün Belchir in 1686 and the Inner Asian Rituals for Assembly during the 17th century

  • 17

The dispute about the throne and the succession for the Jasaghtu Khan of the Right-Wing Khalkha had aroused among the Khalkha Mongols during the middle of the 17th century. For resolving dissension among the Khalkha Mongols, three Khans, Qutughtus and Nobles from Khalkha Mongols held the famous Assembly at Kürün Belchir in 1686. After this event, the conflict between Vacir Tüsheet Khan and Galdan of Junghar Mongols was apparent in Inner Asian politics, but in short time Vacir Tüsheet Khan and the Left-Wing Khalkha Mongols had been destroyed by Galdan of Junghar. It caused the submission of Vacir Tüsheet Khan and the Left-Wing Khalkha Mongols to the Qing court. From that point, Inner Asian politics had been diverted to the other direction managed by the Qing court. So it had been considered that the Assembly at Kürün Belchir in 1686 was the significant historical event during the 17th century. Furthermore as a case study of Inner Asian Rituals for the Assembly, called the Chighulghan in Mongols, in this paper I focused the Assembly at Kürün Belchir in 1686. When the Assembly had convened, Khans, Qutughtus and Nobles from the every corner of Mongols gathered on the specific meeting point. For the Grand Assembly there should be prepared well-organized ritual system avoiding struggles among attendants caused by rituals, like as the gdan-yig by Dalai Lama in 1672. The Assembly at Kürün Belchir in 1686 had been prepared under the Geluk Order represented by the fifth Dalai Lama. From the late of the 16th century the Mongol society accepted the Buddhism from Tibet, and it had been about one century and more. So in the late 17th century Qutughtus and monks dispatched from the Geluk monasteries made an important religio-political role in Inner Asia. But, as the fifth Dalai Lama said, there was the traditional Mongolian ritual system and the rank conscious originated from Qinggis Khan. Sometimes it occurred arguments between rituals from Tibetan buddhism and others from Mongol origin. Finally, it happened that the first Jebcundampa refused to rub his head by Ganden-Chipa, the representative of the fifth Dalai Lama on this Assembly. After this Assembly at Kürün Belchir, Vacir Tüsheet Khan and the Left-Wing Khalkha Mongols confronted with Dalai Lama’s teachings. The new era of the Inner Asian politics occurred when this argument on rituals of the Assembly at Kürün Belchir disturb the existing ritual system directed by Geluk Order.

1. 머리말

2. 1686년 회맹으로 가는 길: 자삭트한의 계승 갈등

3. 할하의 내분과 禮儀 문제

4. 맺음말

5. 참고문헌
