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KCI등재 학술저널

고조선어와 몽골어의 비교연구 시론

A Comparative Study of Gojoseon(古朝鮮) and Mongolian Language

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According to the archaeological researches, Gojoseon(古朝鮮) is locally composed of Liaoshi(遼西), Liaotung(遼東), and the Korean peninsula, and is periodically sorted from the 7th century BC to the 3rd century BC. In particular, it seems that Gojoseon Language was established in the 4th century BC. On the other hand, the Gojoseon language was used as a common language in the area of Gojoseon, but it seems that the languages of various races living in the area of Gojoseon were also used together. The Mongolian language, which is comparable to the Gojoseon language, is Donghu(東胡). However, because there is little data for Dongho, it is necessary to compare it with that of Sianbei(鮮卑), which is considered to be a descendant of Donghu. However, there is a considerable difference in the time between the Sianbei and Gojoseon, so we need to be careful about comparative studies. According to the records of Wiman Joseon(衛滿朝鮮), it is believed that the area of Gojoson in the 2nd century BC was mixed with Mongolian language and Chinese (漢語) in addition to Gojoseon. It is presumed that the direct descendant including Wiman used the northern language. In the place names of the Korean language, the Dal(達) and Hul(忽) appear. The Dal is a mountain and the Hul represents a castle. And Hul(忽) appears in the languages of three kingdoms(三國) including Koguryeo(高句麗), which is the successor of Gojoseon and Mongolian languages. According to analyzing the Gojoseon vocabulary of <Bangon(方言)>, the vocabulary that can be connected with Mongolian is analyzed in about 10 out of 32. And many of these vocabularies can be connected with Korean language, so it seems that the ancestors of Korean and Mongolian users lived in the Joseon and Yeolsu(洌水) during that time.

1. 고조선어와 몽골어의 비교연구 필요성

2. 고조선어와 관련이 있는 몽골계 언어

3. 고조선어와 몽골계 언어와의 비교

4. 고조선어와 몽골어의 친연관계

5. 참고문헌
