최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 정부의 공공투자사업에 대한 역량강화 사례연구

Capacity Building for Public Investment Projects in Mongolia: Case of Developing Checklist for Investment

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This study reveals the heuristic way of consulting is effective when Mongolian officials of Ministry of Fianance develop a methodology for prioritizing public investment projects. The study provided them a series of capacity-building workshops for three-year period from 2016 to 2018. Korea s preliminary feasibility system was introduced, and analysis methods such as Multi-attributive Utility Technique, Cost Benefit Analysis, AHP, and Checklist were passed on. Through this process, the “investment checklist” was chosen as the best methodology for the Mongolia. It is the selection upon considering the current status of insufficient human resources and administrative practices of the Ministry. This study carried out additional workshops on checklist methods, and a heuristic approach was applied to allow the officials to develop their own models. The developers then suggested diverse creative ideas which were reflected in the Order of Minister of Finance enacted in December 2018. All the spending ministries and agencies now must use the Mongolian-developed checklist when they make budget request for every new investment project. The factors that made this research successful seem to be 1) the need for users, 2) the development by autonomic environment, 3) the creative potentials inherent in the Mongolians, and 4) the methodology representing reality. The most important lesson is that if you make the trainees the subjects of exploration, they become potent.

1. 서론

2. 기존 연구의 재검토

3. 공공투자사업을 평가하는 적정 모형의 개발

4. 몽골 재무부가 직접 개발한 체크리스트 모형

5. 결론

6. 참고문헌
