최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

契丹语基数词“一, 四, 五”及其他

Cardinal Numerals “One, Four, Five” in Khitan Language and Others

  • 7

With the continuous discovery and publication of the original materials of the Khitan scripts and the gradual accumulation of relevant research results, the interpretation level of the inscription of the khitan scripts has been increasingly improved. Based on the gender difference of the cardinal numerals from “one” to “ten” in Khitan language, the present study interprets cardinal numerals (one), (four), (five) with masculine gender and ordinal numeral (the fifth) in the liter ature of Khitan large sctipt, and further examines cardinal numerals (two), (three) with masculine gender.

1. 서론

2. 알타이어족 언어의 서수사

3. 거란소자의 서수사와 서수사 접사

4. 결론

5. 참고문헌
