최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

돌궐 빌개 카간(Bilgä Qaγan) 비문 속의 한국고대사 관련기록 검토

A Study on Relative Record of Korea s Ancient History in Bilgä Qaγan Inscription: Especially Focusing on the Battle of Dengzhou(登州) and Dushan(都山) Between Buhai(渤海) and Tang(唐)

  • 31

Bilge Khagan is the second Khagan of the Turk second empire. Bilge Khagan Inscription was built on September 20, 1935. As a research results of this inscription, records of Korean ancient history appeared in five places. First, Bükli[iLqub], which was inscribed on the inscription [E5], proved to be Goguryeo, and Čöl(lü)gil[LGLuc] was a result of hyperbole. These are the funeral delegations sent by the Pyeongwon king of the Goguryeo and Jinhung King of Silla dynasty during the funeral of the 3rd Mukhan Khagan who died in 572. Second, Bükli Khagan which appears in the inscription [E8], is the Turkic troop mobilized by Tang during the war for the attack of Koguryeo. The period is from 631 to 681. These Turkic cavalry are likely to be cavalry units of Ašïnas Še er(?) who was mobilized during the Taichung s Ryudong attack in 645. Third, the inscription [E18] [E20] was proved to be related to the Goguryeo people s group led by Gomungwan(高文簡) and Gohongui(高拱毅) who traveled to Tang in August 715. Fourth, Tongker mountain(都山) recorded in the inscription [S7] [S8] appeared as a ferocious battlefield of the Allied Turks, Kitans, and Bohai troops between the Tang army in the leap March of 733.

1. 머리말

2. 비문의 내용분석과 한국 관계기록

3. 발해와 돌궐

4. 맺는말

5. 참고문헌

