The present study attempts to consider the level of party politics, especially after the democratization of Mongolia as a new democratic country. Mongolia is the country where the pro-democracy movement began in 1989 with the influence of the pro-democracy movement in the Soviet Union and the Eastern Europe from the mid-1980s. The one-party dictatorship of the MPRP, which has been in existence for more than 70 years since its independence in 1990, ended. The Party Law was adopted and the multi-party system was introduced in May 1990, Mongolia held its first free elections in July 1990. After democratization in there have appeared many new political parties like other newly-democratic states, but most of them have failed to enter Parliament. Mongolian political parties have held a total of seven elections since the first parliamentary election in 1992. The Mongolian People s Party (MPP) is a party, with a long history and experience taking power by winning a majority seat in three elections (at least 30% of seats in parliament). On the other hand, adverse parties consisted mainly from Democratic Party (DP), lost from the first election by showing signs of instability, so they have merged into a unified and electoral coalition. Mongolia has become a democratic country, and the multi-party system has been made possible, only MPP and DP hold the majority of the seats previous parliamentary elections, the two-party system and the hegemonic system have actually been formed. It can be said that Mongolia s party system is fluid because of political party policy failures, frequent merges and internal division of political parties, so that the electoral liquidity index, which represents the pattern of competition between political parties, is very high. Mongolian voters preference for political parties has fluctuated greatly from election to election, leading to frequent regime changes. Mongolian political parties are trying to buy votes from voters in commodities or in kind rather than win an election by ideology or policy. This is why voters have continued to lose confidence in political parties in recent years. Although there is no cracking structure in Mongolia s party system like any other new party system, the regime is changing every election due to the lack of voter unity and the instability of political parties. As a result, the party system has shown a low level of institutionalization, such as increased electoral liquidity, the inability to legislate, the lack of communication between government organizations, and the irresponsible public policy of politicians.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
3. 몽골의 정당정치
4. 몽골의 정당체계 제도화
5. 결론
6. 참고문헌