최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

포스트사회주의 몽골의 가족을 통한 통치성에 관한 연구

An examination of govermentality through family in the era of postsocial Mongolia

  • 13

This paper aims to examine how family has been relocated by nation under postsocialist society. Neo-family centralism has been found in recent researches which have focused a change of gender relations in post socialist society. This research however shows that post socialist Mongolia has been facing new demands of value for family in order to develop a nation under global capitalism. There needs to reconstruct national identity after reformation and to be developed in global capitalism in Mongolia. A family policy in Mongolia reveals it’s goal to reproduce by accepting modern family model. As a result, a family has been demanded to analyze its problem and make a solution by accepting advice from specialist. Family has been a substantial theme to research involving other issues such as food, hygiene, sexuality, and violence. Making a family an object for knowledge leads to create family problem and produce a specialist to solve the problem of family. This process influences to produce new kind of normalization regarding family and make them have social influences. Second, Postsocialist Mogolia shows a conservative nationalist discourse regarding family. An attempting a new national identity involves making women and family a national symbol. The mosrt importtant axis family policy in Mogolia is to introduce capitalist modern family model so that it might produce stable reproduction of family. To do this, family has been made a place where specialists should engage. To make family an object of knowledge produces research for desease, sexual relation and gender equality. These process around family make family as a tool to produce post socialist system. Family discourses now shows that family is an important tool which produces new kinds of dominant social system. New kinds of discourses of family might affect on people according to gender, age, class.

1. 들어가는 글

2. 선행연구 검토

3. 연구자료 수집 방법

4. 체제전환 이후 가족의 변화 양상

5. 포스트사회주의 몽골 가족의 사회적 기능

6. 참고문헌
