This study set out to examine the values of femininity through goddessmother-like women in Mongolian heroic epics and look into new aspects of personality that mankind should pursue beyond gender confrontation. Eco-feminists argue that the ecological crisis of the Earth and the social inequality of gender are attributed to the male-centric and human-centric dualistic viewpoint of the world. They highlight a need for “femininity” or the goddess culture as a solution. A goddess is the symbol of strong maternal force, metaphor to the Earth as a living organism, and eternal life force with the maternal principles of nurturing and embracing inherent in her. In Mongolian heroic epics, goddess-mother-like heroines display femininity in harmony with the natural ecosystem relatively well. Although they do not lead a case in the first line of epics, they propose paths and directions to heroes in mythical and realistic aspects as wise advisers and prophets. Female characters are divided into three types, which include creative mother-goddesses, goddess-mother-like women of wisdom and bravery, and betraying and seducing women. Creative mother-goddess is like Anima Mundi(spirit of the world) as the creator and goddess-mother of the universe. Goddess-mother-like women of wisdom and bravery represent light but are integrated into the background as assistants or advisers to men in the patriarchal society. They are capable of restoring Animus in them anytime based on their active and independent tendencies and have the potential of becoming a whole being. Betraying and seducing women represent the negative aspects of the mother archetype, but they also show exhibit their individualistic aspects not confined to the “framework of maternity.” Seducing women themselves cannot be considered to be weak. If they overcome it, it can become a medium of multiplying their internal power. If they fail to overcome it, it can be evil. Femininity can be an alternative to overcome the crisis of modern civilization, but humankind can take a further step by striking harmony between femininity and masculinity and changing the perception toward mutual respect. When individual people look into Anima in men and Animus in women and achieve unity or wholeness of character, they will be able to fulfill a balanced individual life, social equality, and collaboration.
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