최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

백남준 예술작품세계 속의 몽골인식

Mongolian Recognition in the Art Works World of Nam June Paik

  • 79

Nam June Paik himself created and expressed the philosophy of northern culture, Shamanism, as C.G. Jung wrote and sketched his soul. This paper examines how the Eurasian-Mongolian code, which forms a prototype of Paik s art world, is reflected in his work world and when it was formed through the Mongolian factor in Nam June Paik s works and Paik s follow-up in Mongol history. Analysis of Paik s works of art reveals that the Eurasian - Mongolian codes are in harmony with the natural legal recognition system (Shamanism) which forms the ideological source of the nomadic people of the North. This is also confirmed by the fact that his work world consists of the three-number eruption system, a traditional structure of northern thought. Nam June Paik s first recognition of the northern cultural prototype was found to have a relationship with the flow of Japanese history at the time.

1. 머리말

2. 백남준의 작품에 보이는 몽골적 요소

3. 백남준의 청소년기 몽골역사 인식추적

4. 맺는 말

5. 참고문헌
