최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골과 중국의 경제·외교적 변화양상에 관한 시론적 연구

An Exploratory Study on Economic and Diplomatic Changes in Mongolia and China: Focusing on Treaties and Protocols Between the Two Countries

The purpose of this study is to analyze domestic and foreign background that Mongolia and China confronted at that time and to attempt an exploratory analysis on which influence these treaties and protocols had upon the development in the two nations through examining about diverse treaties(條約) and protocols(議定書) that were established between Mongolia and China. Both Mongolia and China formed diplomatic ties on October 16, 1949, and then signed “Border Treaty between the People s Republic of China and the Mongolian People s Republic” in Beijing on December 26 of the same year. Protocols for rail connection and operation were signed such as Protocol for the Construction of Railways, which was created among three parties of China, Mongolia and the Soviet Union(Union of Soviet Socialist Republic) in 1952, and “Protocol for a Border Railway between China and Mongolia” in 1955. Both Mongolia and China comes to begin a substantial bilateral exchange starting with the operation of railroad, which passes over it, along with the border that came to be definite through the border treaty and the railway protocol after forming amity in 1949. The bilateral relationship was made official ties on the basis of good neighbourly relations in 1949, was temporarily cut off diplomatic relations between the two countries due to the escalation of a dispute between China and the Soviet Union in the 1960s and to following the Soviet Union by the Mongolian People s Republic, and then was ever restored according to the improvement in the relationship between China and the Soviet Union in the late 1980s. Both Mongolia and China formed Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the People s Republic of China and the Mongolian People s Republic in 1994, and developed into “good-neighbor and mutual trust partnership” in 2003. The two countries developed into “strategic partnership[战略伙伴关系, стратегийн түншлэлийн харилцаа]” in 2011. Especially, Chinese President Xi Jinping s visit to Mongolia in August of 2014 leads to the elevation to “Complete strategic partnership[全面战略伙伴关系, Иж бүрэн стратегийн түншлэлийн харилцаа]” in the two nations, thereby celebrating the 70th anniversary of diplomatic ties in 2019. However, in the economic aspect, the bilateral relationship is in a situation that Mongolian economy relies excessively upon China. China is No. 1 trading partner of Mongolia. Its trade scale tends to grow year after year. This study is an exploratory research for a general analysis on Mongolia-China relationship. Diplomatic relations for 70 years between Mongolia and China are examined focusing on treaties and protocols out of research materials between the two nations. In particular, it looks into which role it played in the current relationship between Mongolia and China while confirming what the bilateral exchange was begun through the border treaty from the establishment of diplomatic ties, and verifying which ones were included in the treaties and agreements at that time.

1. 서론

2. 몽골과 중국의 외교관계 수립 전후 상황과 국경문제

3. 몽골과 중국의 국경선 획정(劃定)과 관계 발전

4. 몽·중 양국간 조약·협정·의정서 분석을 통한 양국 관계 고찰

5. 결론을 대신하며

