This article examined two novels, Jung-Il Chang’s When Adam opens his eyes and G. Ayurzan’s Snow Romance which are appeared in turning point of Korea and Mongolia. From the end of the 1980s to the early 1990s, the Soviet Union and Eastern socialism bloc collapsed rapidly, and the Cold War system was in a period of transition. During this period, Korea was free from the military dictatorship and some institutional democracy was established and Mongolia was also free from the regime of socialist system. In the midst of these changes, Jung-Il Chang and G. Ayorzan has published a new novel that is different from the previous one. The Jang’s novel has been placed in the category of new generation literature in Korea, and Ayorzan’s was organized as part of the new literature movement. The two novels are new modern novel types that correspond to the social changes of the system. They materialized cultural practices which are portrayed as important apart from the realism and political and economic transformations that previous novels have been fixed with subjects. The two texts have background of real-life social contradictions and a sense of criticism of established culture. However, it does not follow the spirit of realism to transform reality. When Adam opens his eyes gives shape to the ambivalent world looking at the reality with a pluralistic and decentralized view while Snow Romance shows a desire to restore the shamanism of Mongolia by fusing fantasy into the real world. Both works have structures of coming of age novel and methods of criticizing existing social contradictions which is private and cultural. And as a way to overcome real-life problems, they suggest writing novels. Because of this, they are defined as metafictional characteristics.
1. 서언
2. 한국과 몽골의 체제전환
3. 성장소설적 구성
4. 메타픽션적 성격
5. 결어
6. 참고문헌