This study aims to examine the Tavantolgoi-Zuunbayan railway construction and draw up proposals for cooperation with Mongolia in connection with this railway construction. It first examines the Tavantolgoi-Zuunbayan railway and its construction process. Next, it analyzes the purpose of the Tavantolgoi-Zuunbayan railway construction. Lastly, it draws up proposals for cooperation with Mongolia based on the purpose analysis of the Tavantolgoi-Zuunbayan railway construction. As a result of study, it draws up seven proposals for cooperation with Mongolia: (1) proposal for cooperation on development of mines with exploitation licences in the southern Mongolia, (2) proposal for cooperation on railway lines connected to the railroads of Mongolia, Russia and China, (3) proposal for cooperation through ports in the Russian Far East, North China and Northeast China, (4) proposal for cooperation on transit transportation connecting Asia and Europe, (5) proposal for cooperation with Mongolia on construction of the railways, which the Mongolian government is planning to build, (6) proposal for cooperation on processing and export of minerals in the Sainshand county of Dornogovi province, and (7) proposal for cooperation on the Khangi-Mandal border checkpoint.
1. 서론
2. 철도 건설 개요
3. 철도 건설 분석
4. 몽골과의 협력 방안
5. 결론