최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Монгол тууль дахь эмэгтэйчүүдийн дүрийн хэв шинж

A Character of a Woman Shown in Mongolian Heroic Epic

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In Mongolian heroic epic, a woman appears with three images such as a female hero, a hero s spouse, and a negative woman. Among these women, a shape of a woman as a hero s life partner, who has divine ability, is outstanding. The divine ability is specified as, first, a prophet, second, a therapist who can revive the dead, third, a capable person who can use a transformation technique, and fourth, the function dubbed the goddess of light. This not only shows the aspect of goddess(女神) but also is the function of shaman. A woman, who combines all of these, is a male hero s spouse and helper, thereby making the male hero a true hero. Meanwhile, what makes a competent woman a life partner shows a male hero s capability. There are few special comments on the external shape of a female hero who indicates ability like a male hero. This is interpreted to be more emphasized a female hero s heroic move than a female hero s appearance. A female hero displays physical prowess same as a male hero. The capacity of a female hero includes archery, wrestling and horse riding. Like the positive female image, a negative woman in the Mongolian heroic epic has special ability, is beautiful, or has an ugly image of a witch as well. A conflict between a hero and a woman is analyzed as a material that represents a struggle for power between men and women in the process of being implemented into a male-dominated society from a matriarchal society. The image in the goddess of light was transformed from generation to generation, thereby having been turned into a woman who satisfied the standard of medieval beauty in a woman, and into a female image that well performs a woman s role in realistic life. Ultimately, a woman s image, which is understood in the Mongolian heroic epic, shows two aspects that are very ideal and realistic at the same time. What is proposed as omnipotence is its ideal shape. On the other hand, the realistic shape is to be presented as a male hero s companion and adviser while being in charge of the household chores as a housewife. The ideal woman s shape is related to the origin of the Mongolian heroic epic. The ideal woman s shape expresses the aspect, which was changed into a realistic female image, with losing its function gradually.

1. Удиртгал

2. Эмэгтэй баатрын дүрийн хэв шинж

3. Дүгнэлт

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