최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골의 대외교역 동향과 대 중국 무역의 과제

The Trends of External Trade in Mongolia and Tasks of Trade with China

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the characteristics and problems of Mongolia s foreign trade, which has not been diversified and its trading partners are concentrated, and to explore ways to expand Mongolia s foreign trade and stabilize the trade structure through its trade tasks with China. Since Mongolia does not have diverse trade products and its trading partners are concentrated on certain areas, it is highly likely that the Mongolian economy will become significantly unstable when the volatility of the global economy increases. Therefore, Mongolia needs to make policy efforts to diversify its trade structure to ensure stability in the national economy. First, Mongolia will have to sign a free trade agreement with China and move toward resolving inequality in the tariff structure between the two countries. But since signing a full-scale agreement from the start would put a strain on the Mongolian economy, it would be desirable to limit the FTA to certain products, and expand the scope of future negotiations. Second, Mongolia is working with China to improve its trade structure while making the most of the Sino-Mongolian and Russian economic corridor projects, for example, setting up a border free trade zone with China to process mineral resources as well as to attract Chinese capital and technology to establish a meat factory in Mongolia s provinces. Third, Mongolia has a fairly high logistics cost in relation to exports, and expanding its railway and other infrastructure jointly with China will save high logistics costs. The above policy proposals are relatively short-term and its effect may be limited. Therefore, Mongolia should establish a long-term development plan at the national level, and pursue economic diversification policies along with the development of the resource industry.

1. 서론

2. 선행연구 검토

3. 몽골 대외교역의 특징과 문제점

4. 대 중국 교역의 추이와 과제

5. 요약 및 결론

