최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

≪海都太子令旨碑≫를 통해 본 청년기 카이도의 상황

Qaidu’s Situation in His Youth by Translating ≪Qaidu Taizi Lingzhibei≫

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Tai-qing-gong, Luyi County, Henan Province in China is well known as the birthplace of Laozi, the founder of Taoism. In Tai-qing-gong, there is an inscription called ≪Qaidu Taizi Lingzhibei(海都太子令旨碑)≫, in which the name of Qaidu is recorded. The purpose of this study is to translate and annotate Qaidu’s orders in ≪Qaidu Taizi Lingzhibei≫ issued by him in 1257 and to examine not only Qaidu’s situation in his youth, but also relationship between Qayaligh, Qaidu’s major base in the Central Asian region, and the interior of China. This study tries to understand the situation of Qaidu by comapring the contents of ≪Qaidu Taizi Lingzhibei≫ with Chineses historical sources such as ≪Yuan-shi≫ and Persian historical sources such as ≪Jami at-tavārīkh≫. With the analysis of the contents in the insciption, I would like to argue that Qaidu was not a spokeman for “Altan uru”, the authorized nomadic tribe, showing hostility toward Möngke and Kubilai in Tului family, simply because Qaudu was given title of “Taizi”. In Qaidu’s youth, he recognized the authority of Qa’an and controlled Henan Porovince assigned by Qa’an. He was a member of “Altan uru” of Ganghis Khan, which received the bestowment from Qa’an.

1. 머리말

2. ≪海都太子令旨碑≫번역 및 주석

3. 비문 소재지와 지배지를 통해 본 청년기 카이도의 상황

4. 맺음말

