최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

말타(Malta) 나선문양의 문명사적 상징 연구

A Study on the Symbols of Civilization and History of the Malta Spiral Pattern

  • 17

In 1928, the Malta ruins, located 80 km north of Irkutsk, were radiocarbon dating revealed to be the remains of the last ice age, 21,000 BP. More than 30 human-shaped dolls made of mammoth ivory, 50 bird-shaped sculptures, and spiral hole plaques were unearthed in this ruins. In particular, the spiral hole plaque attracted attention religiously as a spiral pattern that first appeared in the history of human art. This indicates that the people of this site created and adhered to something of a community philosophy. This paper examines the meaning of the spiral hole plaque through the analysis of the religious philosophical symbolism of the Malta spiral pattern and the location of civilization in Malta. As a result, Malta has emerged as a cross-breed area of culture and race, as well as a passage connecting east, west, north and south in civilization. In addition, it was found that the existence of swan sculpture, snake, spirit dolls, including spiral hole plaques, are reflected in northern shamanism including Buriad today. This shows that Malta s ancient system of thought forms the basis of the Northern Cultural Archetype.

1. 머리말

2. 말타의 문명사적 위치

3. 말타 나선문양의 종교ㆍ철학적 상징분석

4. 말타 나선문양의 문화콘텐츠화

5. 맺는 말

6. 참고문헌
