최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

울란바토르 지역 간 격차의 변화 양상

Changes in the Ulaanbaatar Local Differences-Khoroo(Administrative area) of the Six Districts in Ulaanbaatar-

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This paper is an attempt to confirm the widening and complexity of regional gaps in the city as time passes in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, which experienced a change in the market economy. After the implementation of the market economy, Mongolian society experienced the concentration of population to Ulaanbaatar, the housing shortage, and the deterioration of the residential environment, and the Mongolian government sought to provide housing through regional development. However, the housing supply through such a development is likely to amplify the spatial gap between the existing Ger district and urban areas, leading to social and economic gaps beyond the physical gap, leading to social exclusion. The analysis of the regional gap between Khoroo in each of Ulaanbaatar s six districts showed that the physical improvement of the Ger district, identified by the infrastructure supply rate, was not significant, and the physical gap between the Ger district and the city was still intact. Rather, due to the development of new towns, income and educational background gaps between new and existing cities with good location conditions were found in the form of new regional gaps. In addition, the regional gap between each Khoroo in Ulaanbaatar tends to widen from physical to social and economic aspects, such as the supply of infrastructure within the region, such as the educational background of local residents and average wage income. Ulaanbaatar s suburban development has not been achieved in the most needed Ger district, and has been driven by its economic feasibility, increasing the regional gap in Ulaanbaatar. The regional gap is feared to cause restrictions on citizens social opportunities and consequent social conflicts. In order to ease regional gaps and achieve social integration that can develop into future social conflict factors, more research and housing policies are required for local and local residents.

1. 서론

2. 지역격차

3. 울란바토르의 특징

4. 울란바토르의 지역격차

5. 결론

