최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


The influence of reclamation policy on Chahar Bordered Yellow Banner and Bordered Yellow Banner ranch in late Qing Dynasty

The Chahar Bordered yellow Banner which affiliated to the capital of Chahar was connected with the Bordered Banner ranch affiliated to the Imperial Household, both of which were located on the left wing of The Chahar. Their residence grazing land was mostly located in the present Zhangbei、Kangbao County of Hebei Province and large part of Xianghuang qi in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Territory, and partly located in Shangyi County of Hebei Province, Shangdu County of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and some areas of huade County. Although the above-mentioned area was the nomadic place of Chahar Mongolia, a small number of Han people have been cultivated In these pastures since the middle and early Qing Dynasty, especially after the reclamation policy in the late Qing Dynasty, most of Han farmers poured into this area.because of its geographical location was adjacent to the Han land. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part briefly describes the reclamation of this area before the reclamation policy in the late Qing Dynasty; The second part combs out the process of reclamation in this area.; The third part analyzes the influence of reclamation.

1. 清末新政前的开垦

2. 放垦政策的实施

3. 放垦带来的影响

4. 结语

