최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


The Historical Origin of The Biography of Tuyuhun in Book of Jin

  • 6

The Biography of Tuyuhun in Book of Jin has always been valued by researchers, but its historical origin still remains to be studied. Compared with the Biography of Tuyuhun in Book of Song, Book of Southern Qi, Book of Wei, History of Northern Dynasties, Comprehensive Documents and historical materials about Tuyuhun in Zizhi Tongjian, some clues may be sorted out. The research shows that the Biography of Tuyuhun and Shazhou Chorography written by Duan Guo of Liu Song Dynasty which have been lost for a long time, are probably one of the historical origins of the Biography of Tuyuhun in Book of Jin.

1. 緒論

2. ≪晉書·吐谷渾傳≫具有獨立的史源

3. ≪晉書·吐谷渾傳≫與≪資治通鑑≫所載吐谷渾史料的異同

4. ≪沙州記≫與≪吐谷渾記≫不相等同

5. ≪晉書·吐谷渾傳≫的史源及其史料價值

