최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

카단(Qadan)의 고려 침입 전후(前後) 상황과 고려·대원올로스 연합군의 대응

A Situation Before and After Qadan’s Invasion of Koryŏ and a Response of the Allied Forces between Koryŏ Dayuan(大元) ulus

  • 16

This study examined specifically about what the cause and purpose of the Qadan (哈丹) faction’s invasion of Koryŏ and about a countermeasure of the Koryŏ Royal Court and the Dayuan(大元) ulus following the invasion of Koryŏ. The rebellion by the Princes of Eastern ulus under Nayan(乃顔) turned out a failure in 1287. But Qadan, who rallied the remnants of the party, continued to proceed with the revolt. Qadan’s insurrection can be divided largely into two things. In the first place, it is the period of having fought back Dayuan ulus in the eastern parts of Mongolia with succeeding to Nayan’s uprising. It belongs to the term between the year in 1287 with the beginning of Nayan’s rebellion and the year in 1289. The Princes of Eastern ulus who are being based in eastern Mongolia such as Nayan and Qadan played a great role in Qubilai s reign. However, Qubilai s walking after seizing the power of the Great Khan was what strengthened the centralization of power and controlled the decentralization through the Branch Secretariats(xing zhongshusheng, 行中書省). It was experienced that Nayan was killed in a failed revolt and that the forces under his command were scattered. Yet Qadan and his factions, who judged that there is nothing but to lose the control and the power in eastern Mongolia, which had been continued for generations since the Genghis Khan period, could not help keeping challenging the Great Khan Qubilai. In the second period, the rebellion activity in eastern Mongolia resulted in having been blocked by the Dayuan ulus army. And the Qadan power that took a big hit ended in entering Koryŏ with invasion. The Qadan power that attacked to enter Koryŏ in the 16th year of King Chungnyeol(忠烈王) was enough to restore nightmare on the former Yeke Mongol ulus’s invasion of Koryŏ. The invasion of Koryŏ by the Mongolian Armed Forces was threatening enough for the Koryŏ Royal Court to have planned ‘relocation of the government to Gang’hwa’ once again as soon as they invaded and came in. Nevertheless, a relationship between Koryŏ and Dayuan ulus during the reign of King Chungnyeol was close, thereby having militarily had a very cooperative relationship such as what both sides mutually lavish the military support arms. The Qadan army, which had advanced southward to Wonju and Chungju regions from northeastern Koryŏ, was finally destroyed in Yeongi area in May of 1291 by the allied forces between Koryŏ·Mongolia.

1. 서론

2. 카단의 반란 전후(前後) 상황

3. 카단의 고려 침입과 고려 대원올로스 연합군의 대응

4. 결론

