최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

하이산과 <몽골신문>

Khaisan and Mongolian Newspaper

Gustaf John Ramstedt(1873-1950), a prominent Finnish linguist, visited Mongolia three times in total. When he came to Mongolia for the second time in 1909, he met Khaisan, a national activist from Inner Mongolia. His travel notes, published decades later, described in considerable detail the meeting with Khaisan in 1909. One of them is that Khaisan was involved in the publication of the Mongolian Newspaper(Mongγul-un sonin bi&#269;ig), which was founded in Harbin in 1909. The basis for this is not clear, but from the early 1960s some Mongolian scholars have suggested that Khaisan served as editor of Mongolian Newspaper. Since then, Mongolian and foreign scholars have accepted this opinion with little doubt. Recently, however, some researchers have raised strong questions about this opinion based on the lack of data. Therefore, I examined whether Khaisan was really involved in the editing or publishing of Mongolian Newspaper, focusing on the research of scholars. Specifically, we looked at the research results of Mongolian scholars, including Deleg s research in the 1960s, and Inner Mongolian scholars including Kh&#246;khbaatar’s research one by one. However, none of the existing researchers came up with a convincing conclusion to my question. The biggest reason is the lack of relevant data. In fact, Ramstedt s testimony is the only one that directly mentions the relationship between Khaisan and the Mongolian newspaper. As several scholars have mentioned, Khaisan s name is not in the report of the Japanese Consulate in Harbin, which left the most detailed information on the editing, publication, and journalists of the Mongolian newspaper. So what I have noticed is Russian data. Among them, the most interesting material I looked at was the memoirs of Russian scholar A.V. Burdukov(1883-1943) who witnessed the situation in Mongolia in the early 20th century while staying for a long time in western Mongolia. Burdukov met Khaisan in the summer of 1912 who participated in the Mongolian New Government Army s Khovd Liberation Battle. In his newspaper contributions and later memoirs, he details his meeting with Khaisan and the situation in Khovd. One of them is information that Khaisan was the editor of the Mongolian newspaper. This information, including Ramstedt s testimony, is the first to directly mention the relationship between Khaisan and the Mongolian Newspaper. The author concluded that it was true that Khaisan was involved in the publication of the Mongolian newspaper based on the research of previous scholars and the data provided by Burdukov et al. Of course, nothing has been revealed about how he was specifically involved in the publication of the Mongolian newspaper. This issue will have to be elucidated through future studies of Khaisan s activities in Harbin, known as the darkest period of life.

1. 문제 제기

2. <몽골신문> 편집인에 대한 몽골국 학자들의 견해

3. <몽골신문> 편집인에 대한 내몽골 학자들의 견해

4. 맺음말

