Даяаршлын эрин үеийн Монголчуудын шилжилт хөдөлгөөн: БНСУ руу цагаачилж буй Монголчуудын жишээн дээр
The Migration of Mongolians in an age of Globalization: A Case of Mongolians migrating to South Korea
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the status, changes, life, and forms of migration of Mongolians migrating to South Korea in an age of Globalization. The survey found that at the beginning of their migration, the majority of Mongolians went to South Korea as migrant workers, but more recently, the reasons for migration have changed, such as migrating to study, to invest, to conduct business, and to obtain residency via marriage. Between 2007 and 2019, the number of Mongolians who migrated to and currently live in Korea doubled, but the number of migrant workers halved. The highest growth rates were among students, business ventures, and immigration through marriage to Korean citizens. The reason for the doubling of migrants is, 1) social networks such as online and offline services for Mongolians have become more active, 2) foreign students can study at universities on scholarships, 3) university graduates more easily acquire work visas, 4) investors and master’s and doctoral students can live with their families, 5) immigration through marriage to Koreans has increased, 6) the Korean government has set up a number of ‘Foreign support centers’ for foreigners. Thus, Mongolians have kept up with their nomadic tradition and have increasingly adapted very well to Korean life, improved their social status in Korea, had children, and opted to settle in Korea as permanent residents.
1. Оршил
2. Онол, хамрах хүрээ ба судлагдсан байдал
3. Хилийн чанад руу чиглэсэн Монголчуудын шилжилт хөдөлгөөн
4. БНСУ руу чиглэсэн Монголчуудын шилжилт хөдөлгөөн ба суурьшилт
5. Дүгнэлт
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