최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Соёлын өвийн хадгалалт хамгаалалтын асуудалд: Монгол Улсын дурсгалт барилга архитектурын сэргээн засварлалтын жишээн дээр

Study on Conservation for Cultural Heritage of Mongolia: Focused on Repair and Restoration of Architectural Heritage

According to the information we have the preservation and protection of Mongolia’s cultural heritage has more than 300 years old history and dates back to the 1700s. We understand this in connection with the resurgence of Buddhism in Mongolia in the second half of the 16th century with the initiative and support of the aristocracy, the establishment of monasteries, and their restoration over time as they became obsolete over time. During the period of the XVIII-XX centuries until the 1920s, renovations and restorations of monasteries were carried out with public devotion and charities. With the victory of the national democratic revolution in Mongolia in 1921, the government developed and implemented a policy of radical reform in all spheres of society, part of which was a policy on the preservation and protection of cultural heritage. In 1924, the “Rules for the Preservation of Antiquities” were developed, and it was the first time that the state had established a legal basis for the preservation and protection of cultural heritage. In the 1930s, horrific acts of repression spread throughout Mongolia, destroying hundreds of monasteries and cultural monuments. In the 1940s, however, the government began to focus on preserving architectural monuments, especially a small number of monumental buildings left from the repression period. Restoration works were carried out starting from the 1960s, and some buildings began to be used as a museum. In the 1970s, for the first time, a law regulating the protection of cultural heritage and monuments was adopted and an organization for the restoration of monuments was established. In this article, we classify the policy and activities regarding Mongolian cultural heritage between 1700-1990 into several periods based on the documents and research works stored in the National Archives of Mongolia and tell about the specifics of each period.

1. Соёлын өвийн хадгалалт хамгаалалт: 1700~1921 он

2. Соёлын өвийн хадгалалт, хамгаалалтын талаарх төрийн бодлого: 1921-1941 он

3. Төрийн соёлын өвийн хадгалалт, хамгаалалтын бодлого ба дурс галт барилгуудын сэргээн засварлалт: 1940-өөд оноос 1960-аад о ны төгсгөл

4. Соёлын өвийг хадгалалт, хамгаалалтын талаарх төрийн бодлого, хэрэгжилт: 1970-1990 он

5. Дүгнэлт

Ном зүй
