최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


Interaction between State and Society: The Divide Approaches of Garrison General System and Dao-Ting System in Guisui Area

The interaction between the central court and local community was particularly evident in the administrative framework in Mid Qing Dynasty. As a systemic reaction of Qing-Zunghar War, in an initiative way, the central government of Qing temporarily gradually institutionalize the temporary administrative reflection “General of Suiyuan” into an institutional system, the Garrison System. At the beginning, in a geographical view, the functions of the General of Suiyuan were limited to the Guihua, however, it soon expanded, and the expansion effect the Tumed Dutong by all means, taking some of its functions away. At the same time, stable economic development caused the increasing number of agricultural and commercial immigrants in this area, which continuously complicate ethnic situation in Monan Mongolia.In order to manage the affairs here, the Qing Dynasty established the “Governing Ting” in Monan, which increased from five to twelve, and later established the “Guisui Dao”. However, Guisui Dao belonged to Shanxi Province, the official of Guisui Dao hoped to expand their jurisdiction. During the Qianlong period, they wanted to relocate their office to Suiyuan City, but the matter was not finally done because of the obstruction of General of Suiyuan.It could be seen that the central government supported General of Suiyuan more than the officials of GuiSui Dao.Intricate situation of Monan Mongolia resulted two different but parallel approaches of administrative framwork, together, the approaches shaped the unique administrative system of Monan Mongolia in the middle and late Qing Dynasty. However, this effect should be limited to a certain period of time. The design of the system could not be done once and for all, and the dispute between the Mongol and the Han will continue to exist.

1. “自上而下” 的制度设计: 从战时制度到正式制度

2. 职权范围的不断扩大: 从城内事务到地区事务

3. “自下而上” 的制度生成: 从交融杂居到分籍管理

4. “上下互动” 的路径选择: 从重叠行政到权力分割

5. 结论

