The Vocabulary of a nation is closely related to the process of their historical development and transition. Especially, it becomes an important factor to understand the affinity between different ethnic group by accepting some of their vocabulary through exchanges with other ethnic groups. However, the early Xianbei language has been extinct, and only a some words such as people’s names and place names have been left in the literature or related materials, so it is difficult to grasp the truth of these languages. Therefore, in the research, the early Xianbei language is difficult to go deep into. In this article, also uses the language materials of Wuhuan, which has the same ethnic origin as Xianbei. First of all, we found the vocabulary of early Xianbei and Wuhuan that remained in the historical materials such as Records of the Three Kingdoms, and critically analyzed the results of existing scholars’ research, and newly analyzed some vocabulary that had not been studied. As a result, we can find that early Xianbei vocabulary contained not only elements known today as Mongolic languages, but also elements that was accepted by Turkic languages, the countries bordering on Western China, and vocabulary that have traces only in Korean. In addition, by identifying the names of Chinese people, we can suggest that early Xianbei may also borrow Chinese vocabulary.
1. 머리말
2. 연구사와 연구 방법
3. 초기 선비와 오환의 어휘
4. 초기 선비의 어휘 분석
5. 맺음말