최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Солонгос дахь Монгол Жангарын туулийн судалгааны өнөөгийн байдал, хэтийн төлөв: 20-р зууны эхэн үеэс 2021 он хүртэл

Overview and Prospects on the Research of epic Jangar in Korea: From the beginning of the 20th century to the present of 2021-

Based on the long-term cultural relations between Mongolia and Korea, based on the mythical and culturally friendly relations between the two countries, a certain amount of interest and research has been conducted on Mongolian heroic epics such as “Jangar” and “Geser” in Mongolian folklore. Especially in recent years, the understanding of the common cultural environment of Northeast Asia has been expanding, and the initiative to study Mongolian myths and epics has been gradually increasing. Like Jangar and Geser, the study of Mongolian epics continues to be of great importance in the field of Korean comparative mythology. The main purpose of the study of Mongolian nomadic epics in Korea is to re-emphasize the importance of cultural values ​in the context of comparative studies of modern culture. Therefore, Korean scholars emphasize that the Mongolian epic is the content of a future-oriented cultural archetype, which can be used as a rich and diverse material in the genre of Asian and world cultural content. The comparative study of genre of oral narrative literature such as Mongolian heroic epic, which was mainly understood as an archetype of regional culture theory in Korea’s early comparative mythology, is still a major academic field even in the Neo-Northern era. It is recognized as a major field of understanding the neo-regional culture Identity.

1. Оршил

2. Шинэ үеийн Солонгос судлал, Солонгос дахь монголын домог үлгэр болон баатарлаг туульсын харьцуулсан судлагааны эхлэл

3. Солонгос дахь Жангарын туульсын судалгаа бий болох-Зүүн хойд Азийн аман туульсийн баатарлаг үйл явдлын концепцийг тодорхойлох ба онолыг бүтээх

4. Бүрэн хэмжээний харьцуулсан домог судлалын чиглэлээр хөгжих

5. Сүүлийн үеийн Солонгосын Жангар судлалын чиг хандлага

6. Дүгнэлт-Солонгос дахь Жангар судлалын хэтийн төлөв

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