최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국의 몽골사 연구 30년, 회고와 전망

Remembrance and Prospect in 30 Years of the Research in South Korea on Mongolian History

  • 36

This study was written in order to examine the 30-year research result in South Korea on Mongolian history after the diplomatic relations between South Korea and Mongolia in 1990, and to seek the research direction of Mongolian history henceforth. A research in South Korea on Mongolian history can be considered to be divided largely into the research of focusing on Mongol empire history and the aspect on the history of the Goryeo-Mongol relationship. In the middle of this, the research outcome in South Korea of Mongolian history covering the history of the modern & contemporary Mongolians starting from the Mongol empire history, which is the history of Genghis Khan and his descendants, was confirmed to have achieved remarkable growth quantitatively and qualitatively through translating the historical records of Mongol empire, translating the research documents, and making the professional research even in a short period of time. A future research in South Korea on Mongolian history will expand its research scope through using diverse materials other than historical records and will require the collaboration with Goryeo history researchers in the history of the Goryeo-Mongol relationship. Also, there is a need to certainly correct errors that appear now in Korean notation as for the terms related to Mongolian history.

1. 머리말

2. 몽골사 관련 중요 사료의 번역 및 역주

3. 번역서

4. 연구 경향

5. 전망

