최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국의 현대몽골어 연구 30년

The Studies on Modern Mongolian Language in Korea for 30 years: Focusing on research trend and trend identification

  • 20

For three decades from 1990 to 2020 since Korea-Mongolia diplomatic relations were established, the total number of research outcomes related to the modern Mongolian language (thesis publications, domestic academic paper publications, and book publications) totals 242. Of these, 27 is related to phonology and phonetics (11%), 178 to morphology and syntax (73%), 81 to lexis and semantics (33%), and 56 to miscellaneous, conversational books, dictionaries, and lexicons (23%). Among these subject areas, the research results from morphology and syntax were most outstanding. On the other hand, it came to our attention that the areas of phonology and phonetics as well as vocabulary and semantics required more research. It was also found that research achievements in all areas were on a steady rise. It is interesting to note that with an increase of Mongolian degree holders, there is a jump in the number of published theses and dissertations in comparison with that of the Korean nationals. In particular, if one looks at the number of theses and dissertations published in the last decade (2010~2020), the Mongolian feats in each area are absolutely outstanding. This is in relation to the rise in the number of Mongolian graduates who came to learn and understand more about Korea amid an active development of two countries’ diplomatic relations. This study is expected to help identify the research trends and trends that are related to the modern Mongolian language, as well as to help understand the current important status that modern Mongolian language takes up in the overall field of Mongolian studies.

1. 서론

2. 현대몽골어 음운 음성학 연구

3. 현대몽골어 형태 통사론 연구

4. 현대몽골어 어휘 의미론 연구 /문자, 방언, 번역, 통계, 서평(논평)/

5. 기타 /각종 교재, 회화 서적, 사전류(어휘집) 등/

6. 결론

