Mongolia s modern party politics have a history of 100 years, starting with socialism adopted in 1921, transitioning to democracy in 1990, and reaching the present in 2021. As of 2021 this year, a total of 36 political parties are officially registered in the Supreme Court of Mongolia. This article examines the characteristics of Mongolian party politics with a focus on political culture. And it focuses on confirming how domestic political culture is expressed in today s Mongolian party politics. Even if a country s system changes traditional values do not change rapidly. Therefore in order to analyze properly Mongolia s political party politics today, full understanding about Mongolia s political culture is essential. Political culture is the most complex and it can be seen that it is established over the longest period of time. Mongolia s political culture is changing under the influence of many democratic factors and culture, such as party system, election system, media, social psychology, people s living standards, and economic growth rate, under the traditional nomadic culture.
1. 머리말
2. 정치문화의 이론적 검토
3. 몽골의 전통적 정치문화
4. 몽골의 현대적 정치문화 분석
5. 맺음말