토기의 견부에 문양을 시문한 톱니무늬 토기는 공간적으로 금강과 영산강유역, 시간적으로 3~4세기대에 집중되며, 마구나 삼족기가 공반되지 않고, 횡혈식 석실분이 도입되지 전까지 사용된다는 특징을 지닌 것으로 이해되어 兩耳附壺·鳥足文土器·二重口緣壺와 함께 馬韓土器로 간주되었다. 그러나 최근 서울·경기지역의 조사례가 늘어나면서 톱니무늬 토기에 대한 재검토의 필요성이 재기되었다. 또한 용어의 문제에 있어서도 톱니무늬 토기가 대체로 토기의 어깨 부위에 다양한 문양을 타날하거나, 압인하여 시문하는 점에 주목하여 “肩部押捺文 土器”가 효과적인 표현으로 판단된다. 최근의 조사성과에 의해 한강유역에서 출토된 다량의 견부압날문 토기를 중심으로 금강 영산강유역 및 기타지역 출토품과의 비교 분석을 통하여 견부압날문 토기의 사용시기 및 성격 등을 대략 4단계로 나누어 설명하면 다음과 같다. Ⅰ期는 견부압날문의 출현기로 한강유역의 생활유적인 주거지에서 출토된다. 시기는 2세기말 3세기 전반으로 설정할 수 있다. Ⅱ期는 견부압날문이 다양화되는 시기로 다양한 유적에서 많은 양의 견부압날문 토기가 출토된다. 생활 분묘유적, 패총 등의 다양한 유적에서 톱니무늬 삼각형문 능형문 원문 기타문양 등 모든 문양이 시문되고 있으며, 시기는 3세기 중반에서 4세기 중반이다. Ⅲ期는 견부압날문이 획일화되는 단계로 주로 영산강유역의 분묘유적 출토례가 많다. 문양은 단순삼각형문이 많이 시문되며, Ⅱ期에서 다양하게 시문되던 능형문은 거의 보이지 않고, 시기는 4세 기후반부터 5세기전반까지이다. Ⅳ期는 견부압날문이 소멸되는 시기로 영산강유역의 분묘유적에서 대옹에 삼각형문이 나타나고, 시기는 5세기중반이후부터 6세기중엽까지이다. 또한 마한토기로 인식되었던 견부압날문 토기는 영산강유역을 중심으로 하는 협의의 ‘마한토기’가 아니라 서울·경기·충청에 목지국과 백제국을 포함하는 마한으로, 즉 범마한적요소의 토기로 보아야 한다. 또한 견부압날문 토기의 지역적 변이의 의미는 범마한적 요소인 견부 압날이란 특징이 서울 강남의 백제가 마한 정치체를 영역화해 가던 과정과 연동하였음을 보여주는 것으로, 백제화되면서 소멸 되는 것으로 생각된다.
This earthenware, which was figured the pattern on the shoulder of it, was firstly be recognized on the way to investigate the ancient pottery coffin around the Young San river, and it was recognized as the earthenware in the Ma Han(馬韓) age along with the bird leg figured earthenware(鳥足文土器). However, as the investigation example of the recent Seoul and Gyung Gi area have been increased, the importance of the scrutiny of the dentate earthenware(鋸齒文土器). The first time, the affixed pattern earthenware on the shoulder(肩部押捺文土器) was started to come on the stage of the history and this time was plausibly supposed such as from the second century to third century. The second time, the various types of the affixed pattern earthenware on the shoulder was started to appear and the great amount of them were excavated from the various places. According to the pattern of the great pottery(大甕), this time can be classified as the two times, which is the time, between 2 1 and 2 2. the nipple patterned handles(乳頭形꼭지) are attached into the tensely round shoulder of the earthenware and the dentate circle in the low part of the earthenware was also adhered in the 2 1 time. In the 2 2 time, the bosomy opulence of this earthenware was tensely decreased, the intaglio and circle pattern(圓文)was engraved on this earthenware, the nipple patterned handles were absolutely deleted, the cervical part was started to shorten. The time of this step was classified such as between the late 3rd century and the early 4th century. The third time, the pattern of this earthenware was unified into the triangle pattern, the pattern of this large pottery was started to change into the U patterned coffin, the classification of the cervical part was deleted and the shield part of this earthenware was started to thicken. The time of this step was classified into such as the between the late fourth century and the early fifth century. The fourth time, the extinction of this affixed pattern earthenware on the shoulder was started and this fact was affirmed around the Young San river. The triangle pattern(三角形文), which is excavated from the diamond pattern(菱形紋), was patterned into the large pottery. The large pottery was tensely enlarged, the shield part of this earthenware was started to thicken, the low part of this earthenware was started to compress. This time of this step was classified into such as between the middle fifth century and the middle sixth century. In addition, according to the excavation result around the Seoul and Gyung gi area, the affixed pattern earthenware on the shoulder, which is recognized as the earthenware in the ancient Ma Han(馬韓) age, was excavated the more ancient earthenware in the other area. As it was not judged as the ancient Ma Han(馬韓) earthenware which is only comprehended around the Young San river, it must be thoroughly understood as the ancient Ma Han(馬韓) earthenware, which is absolutely comprehended the ancient Mok Ji kingdom(目支國) and Pak Che kingdom(伯濟國). Therefore, throughout this fact, this earthenware must be recognized as the earthenware of the pan Ma han area(凡馬韓的土器).
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 견부압날문의 종류
Ⅲ. 견부압날문토기 출토현황과 특성
Ⅳ. 견부압날문토기의 변천과정과 그 의미
Ⅴ. 맺음말