This paper, basically agreeing with the observations of the previous works which estimated the quantity of the Chinese loan words in Khalkha Mongolian as few hundreds or the portion of it around 1% of the total Khalkha vocabularies, assumes that the lack of the Chinese characters and the differences of ways of living between the sedentary and the nomadic peoples have prevented the mass influx of the Chinese loan words into Khalkha Mongolian. This paper makes observations on the Khalkha realization of the Chinese rhymes /a/, /ian/, /ua/ in four different tones and the consonant onsets /z/ in Chinese nominal suffix -子[-zi] and /f/ in various syllables, and compares the Manchu and Inner Mongolian dialectal forms with the Khalkha forms. Some of those phonologically unexpected realizations including the Chinese /a/ into long and short vowels in the same phonological contexts, /ua/ into /ɔj/, /ʦ/ into /s/ are discussed with special emphasis.
1. 들어가기
2. 할하몽골어 속의 한어차용어 개황
3. 한어차용의 시기와 경로
4. 토착화 과정에서 발견되는 현상: 몇 가지 음운현상을 중심으로
5. 결론