From 1980 down to this day, remarkable Neolithic Cultural Site is discovered in and around Liao River valley. Especially, the Neolithic Age Hongshan Culture(紅山文化: B.C. 4500-B.C. 3000) give a shock to Chinese historians. Because the latter half of Hongshan Culture(B.C. 3500-B.C. 3000) Niuheliang(牛河梁) site is regarded as an early ancient State stage culture . Niuheliang Hongshan Cultural Site have all conditions to be a state some 5500 years ago. After discovery of Niuheliang Hongshan Cultural Site, China set to work a series of Chinese national projects on history. After that Chinese historians start to use the concept of Liao River Civilization(遼河文明) . Now a days in China, The unified Nation State Theory(統一的多民族國家論) is united with ‘The Doctrine of Liao River Civilization(遼河文明論)’. On that account Chinese scholars presently insist that, (1) Chinese Civilization is started around Liao River valley , (2) all the minority nations around Liao River valley is a descendant of legendary emperor Huang-di ethnic group (黃帝族) from the beginning, (3) the leaders of Liao River Civilization are legendary emperor Zhuan-xu(顓頊) and Di-ku(帝嚳) who are descendants of Huang-di(黃帝) according to Chinese myth, (4) all the minority nation s histories around Liao River valley are Chinese history from the beginning. The origin of ‘Stone statues’ around Mongolia, Central Asia, and Southern Siberia ascend to the Bronze Age while quite a few similar stone statues have been found all through the Neolithic Age cultural sites of the Liao River Civilization(遼河文明). In this paper, I focused myself on ‘Stone statues’ found in the Liao River Civilization. Around the Liao River Civilization cultural sites, many ‘Stone Statues’ in the Neolithic Age have been found at the sites of (1) Xinglongwa Culture(興隆洼文化: B.C. 6200- B.C. 5200), (2) Zhaobaogou Culture(趙寶溝文化: B.C. 5000- B.C. 4400), (3) and Hongshan Culture(紅山文化: B.C. 4500-B.C. 3000), comparing these stone statues with those of Mongolia. As a conclusion, I would like to confirm that ‘Stone Statues’ in Mongolia originated from those found at the very Neolithic Age sites of the Liao River Civilization.
1. 글을 시작하며
2. 몽골 지역 석인상의 종류와 편년에 대한 기존 연구들
3. 요하문명의 발견과 요하 지역 주요 신석기문화
4. 요하문명 지역에서 발견된 석인상 자료 소개
5. 글을 맺으며: 유라시아 지역 석인상의 기원에 대하여