최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골의 친환경적 사상에 대한 역사적 고찰

A Study on Historical Thought of Environmental Preservation in Mongolia

  • 4

Today, Nature of world is being ruined by excessive development. The Mongol empire have a old tradition of nature conservation. The thought of environmental preservation in Ancient Mongolia is originated in shamanistic logically system. The article 16 of Yeke Jasag seems Mongolian s old tradition of nature conservation. Owing to this conceptualization, the Mongol empire and Yüan Dynasty keep nature and build a natural ecology protection area in Khan-Balig. The Mongol empire s view of nature was succeed to from generation to generation. Today, the Mongolian government has responded by expanding its system of nature reserves, enacting a series of environmental laws, and initiating biodiversity conservation programs, several in association with international organizations.


1. 샤마니즘의 자연관에 대한 역사적 고찰

2. 13∼14세기 여행기에 나타난 몽골의 자연관에 대한 문헌적 고찰

3. 대도(大都)의 자연주의적 건설철학

4. 현대 몽골의 산악신앙과 자연보호

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