최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국의 현대 몽골어 연구 20 년

The Studies on Modern Mongolian language in Korea for 20 years

  • 17

In this thesis I have investigated modern Mongolian research made by Mongolian and Korean scholars for the past twenty years (from 1990 to 2010.3) and tried to classify them by their fields(1.phonology-phonetics, 2.morphology-syntax, 3.lexis-semantics, 4.etc) and period. I examined their works thoroughly and came to the conclusion that they could be divided into four parts. First, modern Mongolian research has been done continuously by Mongolian and Korean scholars in every field. Second, morphology-syntax greatly surpassed the other fields as a result of this analysis. Third, comparative study about Korean language greatly surpassed the study dealing with only Mongolian as a theme. Forth, the number of young Mongolian scholars studying modern Mongolian and Korean language is increasing while the number of young Korean scholars is nearly the same. Also in the future comparative study we have to come to the point that how much modern Mongolian and Korean language have similarity and difference, that is, how much affinity modern Mongolian has with Korean language. Since there are so many similarities and differences between the linguistic and cultural habits which have been developed based on the long-term political conflict and living environment that it is a little awkward to come to the conclusion that modern Mongolian has an affinity with Korean language just depending on comparative study between Mongolian and Korean language Therefore we should investigate inclusive study grafting not only current accomplishment of modern Mongolian but also the historical events passed and changed through past, middle ages, modern ages.

1. 서론

2. 현대 몽골어 음운·음성학 연구

3. 현대 몽골어 형태·통사론 연구

4. 현대 몽골어 어휘·의미론 연구

5. 기타(각종 교재, 회화 서적, 사전류/어휘집/ 등)

6. 결론

7. 참고문헌
