In this article, the author analyzed on process of Mongolian contemporary poetry (1990’). All experiences of modern Mongolian literature were in realist methods until 1980’. But it was changed because of renovations in politics, socials, economics and culture from 1990. There are all methods and directions of arts and literature in Mongolia from this time. Progressivism was basic power for social changing and also new view in poetry created the new directions of poetry. These, first there were many new points on authority and socialism, second nationalism about Mongolian history, culture and literary, third traditions of religion and literature of buddhism Mongolian poetry. Old customs of literature were revived by this change and created good experiences in literature. An innovation is an opinion. But Mongolian “new poetries” in 1990’s are built by new opinion of society. First opinion based art is poetry for songs in this time. For example, “I can’t” “Sounds of bell” “18 Rashaant Street” songs are written by poet D.Tsogtsaikhan. The songs were extraordinary strong opinions, new ideas not only in literature for social innovations. In this period, much poetry was like a publication for press because of social situations and destruction of socialist realism in literature. In other worlds, various kind of arts, especially “poetry is a mirror of social” So the mirror shows all actions and events of the social. We defined in this article that. This opinion based poetries were reflections of Mongolian social life in 1990’s. Function and achievement essential equipment of social communication of poetry were increasing very high during the democratic revolution. Second, we had no directions and experiences on new art after socialist realism. The twentieth century almost all Mongolian poets used creation methods in socialist realism on their poetries. I would say here the suggestion that Mongolian lively contemporary literature is developing in two higt ways Modernism and realism from end of 1980’s Now, modern Mongolian poetry has in different kind of directions of literature and freedom of art.
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