최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몽골 게세르(Geser) 이야기의 판본과 간행

A Publication and Edition of Mongol Epic Geser

  • 14

It became the story representing the Mongol race while the Mongol epic Geser which includes the sentiment of the Mongol people came in Tibet and it spread out in Mongolia widely. And this Mongol epic Geser was propagated to a mouth under the mouth of the Mongol people and had the very various forms and published in Beijing as a xylograph in 1716 and was settled through the record literature. The Mongol epic Geser of the already constantly new story shows up through the publication of the next several times and the new creation of the storytellers. In the present paper, like this, it organized about stories which recently the recording in a book is very arranged with many printed books of the prolific Mongol epic Geser. And it looks around a publication of Mongol epic Geser library which comes in the new time and is regarded as things which are very important for research of the Mongol epic Geser.

1. 서론

2. 몽골 게세르 이야기의 판본과 내용

3. 결론
