최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


About some aspects of the ethnic history of the Buryat tribes of Hondogor and Hori

The Buryat people include the tribe groups of Hondogor and Hori considering their basic ethnic components. The new ethnography material shows that the initial stages of the division formation were in the area of the Mongolian Lake Hubsugur. The Tuvinian kins Tsagan kuular, Ulan kuular, Hara kuular take the bird of “Swan” to be their patriarch. The myth about the origination from the swan is identical with the well-known rhymes on the origination of Hondogor and Hori. Considering the fact that the Kuulars, Hondogors and Horis had a typologically common ethno-genetic legend and the cult of swan was the most developed in Sayan-Altai and definite districts of North-West Mongolia. It can be supposed that there had existed a single ethnic community, which had preferred swan to be their totemic ancestor. The beginning of the cult of swan is from Altai. The ancient Turkish genealogical sayings are formations of the part of the ethnos connected with the swan, referred to the river Swan (Kuu) in the North of Altai. Along the river Kuu there lived some tribes of chalkan called kuu kizhi according to the place of settlement. The people of chalkan include the tribe shakshalyk equal to the tribe sholok as a part of the Buryats and Mongols. The chance of their identification is not only possible in the force of similar pronunciation of the ethnonyms shakshalyk and shosholok, as well as the reason of the remarkable similarity of the content of the both groups. The fact that the totemic cult of the swan is very bright with the Buryat shosholoks makes it possible to suppose their genetic relatedness. They call themselves originated from “the white bird” (Sagaan shubuuntan), and their brothers – the Hondors and Horis. It’s remarkable that the great grand parent of some legends and shaman calls, Sholok, is a person of Hori origination (horiyn hun). Since the original homeland of the Shosholoks is supposed to be known as the river of Kuu in Altai, it is clear that some time later the Turks gradually came to live in the Hubsugul. Some groups of the peoples (the Hondogors, Horis, Shosholoks and others) having left for the North, found themselves near the Baikal. It can’t be said about the Hongorods in whose mind the Hubsugul was not replaced by the Baikal. There happened to be 2 layers of the natural objects. The result of it is that the legend on the origination of the Hondogors all the time had taken place on the shore of the lake without name. In connection with it, the number of the tribes conquered by Jochy in 1207 in the process of the Enisey campaign, the Hondogors and Horis aren’t mentioned. So, it can be concluded that they had moved to the Baikal before the XIII century.
